20-21 September
~200 participants
~16 lecturers
6th International HAZEX Conference
Industrial explosion and process safety with a unique demonstrations of explosions and protective systems
A unique live demonstrations of explosions only content-related presentations time for discussion and questions after speeches a gala dinner with additional attractions translating speeches in real time a certificate confirming the acquired knowledge a warm atmosphere
What and for whom
The subject of the HAZEX conference changes in two-year cycles. Even years are topics focusing mainly on hazards resulting from the presence of flammable and thus explosive dusts in the process. In turn odd years stand under the sign of explosive and process safety in plants using dangerous gases and liquids. This will be the case during the upcoming, sixth edition of the HAZEX conference, which will take place on September 20-21, 2018
The 6th edition of the HAZEX conference is addressed mainly to industrial plants using flammable and dangerous gases and liquids, contracting companies carrying out work on such facilities, as well as insurance companies and government organizations. The conference should in particular be attended by representatives of the management and engineering staff of technical departments, including those responsible for safety and maintenance of the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and related industries..
Every Wednesday we are going to publish in this place the subjects of lectures and lecturers’ bios – in this way we wish to draw your attention to the HAZEX conference. Just to remind, every lecturer has from 30 to 45 minutes for the lecture and further 5 to 10 minutes for questions from the audience. We believe that such approach enables presenting important issues in an exhaustive manner and solve real problems found in everyday professional work.
1st DAY – 20.09.18
8:30 – 9:00

Check-in and treat (coffee, tea, sweets)
9:00 – 9:05

Welcome speech
9:05 – 11:25
There will be time for questions and answers after every lecture, and your activity will be rewarded.

Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Impact on Process Risk
Mariusz Balicki: dealing with explosion safety techniques for more than a dozen years. A practitioner who is active in drawing up documents required by the ATEX directive. He shares his knowledge during training, which has so far been attended by over 1,000 people. A graduate of Cracow University of Technology as well as a post-graduate course in industrial process safety of the Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Process Engineering and Environmental Protection, and a course in technical safety in explosion hazard zones at the Central Mining Institute (GIG) in Katowice. Certified manager responsible for technical safety in explosion hazard zones (GIG Certificate No. MEx/0002/2012).

Implementation of Functional Safety Standards at an Industrial Plant. Typical Problems and Errors
Rafał Selega: experienced practitioner in process and functional safety. He gained vast experience in that scope working at projects performed for such renowned concerns as LOTOS, Orlen, Saudi International Petrochemical Company, Canadian Natural or GASPROM. A member of many task forces of ISA 84 and IEC, dealing with process and functional safety in order to develop functional safety standards. Member of the Polish Committee for Standardization (PKN).

Restrictions in the application of the PN-EN 60079-10-1: 20156 standard. Classification of space. Gaseous explosive atmospheres.
Andrzej Wolff: Expert in explosive safety and process safety with more than 20 years of experience. An author or co-author of more than 90 Explosion Risk Assessments, 100 Explosion Protection Documents and several dozen safety audits, opinions and expert opinions for leading industrial works in Poland. He has carried out numerous training sessions in explosive safety in industry. A long-term lecturer of the Kraków University of Technology at the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering.
11:25 – 11:45

Coffee break
Conference participants will be able to enjoy a full day coffee break, this means unlimited access to hot coffee and tea, as well as sweet and savory snacks. Coffee break is also the time for behind-the-scenes conversations.
11:45 – 13:50

Events – A Stimulus of Change
Przemysław Gostomski: Manager of the Process Safety Team at PKN ORLEN S.A. For over 12 years active in petrochemical and oil refining industry, responsible for preventing serious industrial failures, supervision and improvement of the process safety management system, as well as coordination of preventive actions related to OHS and fire safety at the ORLEN Capital Group. In the years 2015–2016, Director of the Office of Technical Inspection (UDT), Gdańsk Division. Graduate, among other courses, of the Main School of Fire Service (SGSP) in Warsaw, major in management in hazard situations, as well as a certified trainer at Brian Tracy International based in Poland.

Increased security during the leakage of hazardous gases
Martin T. Olsen: Creator of a patented technical solution – the Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detector Combined with a Testing Device (US Patent No. 7,318,335), which he developed and introduced on international markets. Author and co-author of many publications related to stationary gas detection systems (including “Fixed Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detection, an Integrated Technology in Modern Fixed Fire and Gas Detection Systems”, “Fixed Gas Detectors – Total Speed of Response”, “Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detection With Artificial Neural Network Intelligence Improve Process Safety While Reducing False Alarms”). Co-creator of the Danish Gassonic A/S company (which has operated under the name of the American MSA Safety brand since 2011).

Estimation of Individual Risk for Blast Resistant Modular (BRM) Buildings
Ali Sari: Specialises in fire and explosion safety analyses, risk analysis and assessment of structural and mechanical integrity of offshore and onshore structures. He has over 20 years experience in structural and mechanical engineering. Director of Omega Advanced Engineering based in Houston, USA. Risk Consultant. Associate Professor of the Istanbul Technical University. Member of ASCE, API and ISO technical committees.
13:50 – 14:50

Lunch break
Lunch serves not only to replenish energy resources and to relax but it also creates an opportunity for backstage discussions. Therefore, we have planned as much as 60 minutes for lunch. To make it more efficient, the lunch – as opposed to dinner – shall be served in the form of a buffet at the hotel restaurant.
14:50 – 16:50
The conference is for you – taking active part in it you gain Hazexes, our internal currency.

Electrostatic Control – Protecting People & Plant From Unseen Explosion Hazards
Raquel Toro-Duran: A trusted advisor in static electricity risk control in hazard zones. She has extensive knowledge of the practices developed by IEC, Cenelec, API or NFPA. A graduate of the University of Valencia. She gained her professional experience in the projects for a leading brand of earthing monitoring systems.

Draft Regulation on safe distance determination within the meaning of Article 73 sections 3 and 4 of the Environmental Protection Law
Paweł Dadasiewicz: Manager of Serious Accidents Prevention Division of the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection; graduate of Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry; member of the Competent Authorities Committee for implementing the SEVESO directive; Deputy Chairman of the Convention Office for trans-border consequences of industrial failures.

Domino effect and the related duties of the operators of ZZR [increased-risk] and ZDR [high-risk] plants
Sergiusz Urban: Specialist in environmental protection law and policy of the European Union and Poland. He took part in the performance of many industrial investments, including cooperation with Orlen Upstream sp. z o.o. and Talisman Energy Polska sp. z o.o., consulting for Ciech, EDF Polska, CERAC and IKEA. He is the manager of the environmental protection team and cooperates closely with the team in charge of mergers and acquisitions, energy law and infrastructural projects. Member of a working group evaluating compound projects under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment.
16:50 – 17:10

Coffee break
20 minutes is left before setting off to the nearby artillery range where a demonstration of explosions will be held. At that time, you may avail of a treat, use the toilet or return to your hotel room to leave there your participant’s package.
17:10 – 19:00

Pyrotechnic show
We set off to the nearby artillery range at 17:10 The buses to take us there will wait in front of the main entrance to the hotel directly. The trip will take us not more than 10 to 15 minutes. At the artillery range tests will be held with the use of flammable and explosive dusts and gases. Each of the tests will be provided with comments by an expert. The show will last more than one hour, so make sure you get dressed well.
20:00 ~

Common dinner in Al Capone style
The dinner closes the first day of the conference. This is the time to rest and relax. Like every year, we have a surprise for the conference participants. This time, the dinner will be held in Al Capone style. Every woman will get a feather boa and every man will get a classical hat – the absolute must attributes of that time. The guests will get a special currency to spend on illegal spirits, gabling at the casino or on valuable forfeits. The cash may be earned already during the lectures – we wish the conference to reply to the real problems of its participants, so we have planned the time for questions and answers after each lecture, while every question will be rewarded with a banknote. The key event of the dinner will be a live concert – a standing point of all our conferences.
2nd DAY – 21.09.18
9:00 – 10:20

Fire protection optimisation with the use of modern analytical techniques
Szymon Andrzej: EHS Engineer with 12 year’s experience in occupational health and safety related to petrochemical and chemical systems, and coordination of safety activities on construction sites. He is experienced in preparing hazard explosion zones sheets and drawings, documentation of explosion risk protective measures at work, fire safety and fire protection documentation (including fire protection philosophy), calculations for fire water as well as engineering and measuring diagrams for fire water, location of fire-proof zones, instructions on fire safety and protection, material specifications, etc.

Fire-safe and fire-resistant cables, cables in explosion hazard zones – purpose, functions and selection. Current legal status of safe systems at industrial structures
Artur Block: On a daily basis, he cooperates with design offices and independent designers in electrical, automation and teletechnical sectors. He runs seminars and problem training dealing with cables and phenomena present in various industrial environments. He is a specialist in selecting optimal solutions for low voltage networks and systems. A graduate, among other courses, of the Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and the Higher School of Grudziądz, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, major in plastic processing. Active in electrotechnical sector since 1988. Since 2006, Product Manager in cable industry.
10:20 – 10:40

Coffee break
10:40 – 12:40

Fire safety in the storage areas of flammable liquid materials in mobile tanks, including 1,000 L (IBC) plastic containers – fire hazard and fire safety system options acc. to FM Global standards
Jacek Fabiszak: Experienced expert in industrial property loss prevention in many sectors of industry. For the last 10 years he has been performing a series of projects as a Consultant Engineer at FM Global. He is an FM Global specialist in explosion hazard in dust atmosphere, risk assessment in the pharmaceutical industry and glass-works with regard to fire hazard and natural environment hazard. Moreover, he specialises in automatic fire extinguishing systems for process and warehouse areas (including storage of flammable liquid materials) as well as selection of protection parameters in accordance with FM Global standards.

ATEX – Required vs Sufficient Conditions. A Glimpse on Ensuring Fire Safety in Industry
Rafał Żuchowski: Deals with risk analysis and management in industry. A graduate of Gdynia Maritime University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, major in ship electro automation, as well as the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Faculty of Management. For eighteen years in insurance. Nine years experience in analysing technical risk and continuity of operations at various industrial structures. Currently, risk engineer at PZU LAB SA.

Explosive Gases in the Context of Insurance Risk Assessment
Grzegorz Damps: Trainer specialising in property risk assessment, loss of profit, machine and equipment failures as well as construction and assembly works risk. Risk Engineer at Hestia Loss Control. Author and co-author of articles for sector magazines. A graduate of the Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Post-graduate IWE course (International Welding Engineer) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Gdańsk University of Technology.
12:40 – 13:10

Coffee break
13:10 – 14:30

Ambient temperature as the main factor for selecting luminaire solutions for hard industrial environments and explosion hazard zones
Maciej Freza: A specialist in luminaires and emergency lighting systems for industrial systems and buildings as well as public buildings. He has been active in the fire protection systems sector for 10 years. Author of many articles devoted to legal regulations and amendments of legal acts and standards related to luminaires and emergency lighting systems. Lecturer at seminars for design offices, operation maintenance departments and investors in the subject of the broadly understood protective measures within the safety systems. Graduate of Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Automation, as well as the National Institute Politechnique ENSEEIHT in Toulouse, where he dealt with alternative supply sources for electrical and mechanical devices.

Working cycle of a spring operated safety valve vs proper system pressure maintenance
Bartłomiej Borzdziłowski: Dealing with the industrial fittings market for more than 20 years. He particularly focuses on process safety, and especially safety valves. In order to learn all, the nuances of their operation and use, he dealt with selecting, servicing and maintenance of safety valves. He has been cooperating with the chemical and power engineering sector companies for many years. Professionally related to such brands as Ś.Z.A.P Armak, Leser GmbH, and now GRUPA WOLFF.
14:30 – 15:30

Lunch serves not only to replenish energy resources and to relax but it also creates an opportunity for backstage discussions. Therefore, we have planned as much as 60 minutes for lunch. To make it more efficient, the lunch – as opposed to dinner – shall be served in the form of a buffet at the hotel restaurant.
Opinions and comments
Grzegorz Stęchły
Manager in HENSEL Polska Company
The electrotechnical industry
Andrzej Wolff
A GRUPA WOLFF Company founder
Broadly understood industry
Tomasz Wilk
Technolog in ADOB Company
The fertilizer industry
Bartosz Wolff
President, GRUPA WOLFF
Broadly understood industry
Tomasz Olewski
Process Safety Engineer
Texas A&M University in Katar
Marek Gagat
Occupational Safety Specialist
The electrotechnical industry

Tomasz Mitoraj, Maintenance Section Leader
Rockwool Polska
We were extremely pleased to be able to participate in the HAZEX Conference. I hope that we will also participate in the next Conference, equally fruitful in theoretical and practical terms.

Marcin Leśniak, Occupational Safety Specialist
Teva Operations Poland sp. z o.o.
I would like to thank you for organizing the seminar which was really valuable, interesting, and very well prepared..
Very interesting topics presented during the Conference, all the lectures presented in a fair and professional, also attached to these lectures materials are of high quality. In addition, by the fact that the Conference was involved such a large number of people from different industries could also consult and discuss on a variety of topics not necessarily related to the topic of seminars conducted, resulting from the daily duties performed in their companies […] With certainly in the future I would use the next invitation to the Conference.
All the issues discussed at the conference were presented at a very high level.
Worth the money spent.
Level seminar in every respect was above my expectations. I am pleased with the participation and will encourage friends to participate in the next editions. Of course, I will also want to take part.
The seminar was organized at a very high level of content and organization, I hope that the knowledge gained in the lectures will allow me to establish closer cooperation with other participants of the seminar.
The information comes from an anonymous survey conducted among the participants of the previous conferences HAZEX.
Conference in numbers
Unique live explosion demonstrations
The HAZEX Conference is a unique opportunity to take part in demonstrations of explosions and protective systems in even larger scale than ever before. Experience the power of explosion. Learn how powerful energy lies dormant in gases and dusts commonly used in industry. Watch the coverage of the previous edition of the Conference.
They have trusted us
These are the companies which took part in the Polish editions of HAZEX conference. Join them!