Speakers – HAZEX Conference 2015
Currently, the preparation works on the upcoming conference — The 3rd International HAZEX Conference: Industrial Explosion Protection and Process Safety — are being made. We are drawing up a list of interesting and eminent persons who will have the pleasure to share their knowledge and experience with you at the upcoming HAZEX conference.
Speakers – HAZEX Conference 2013
Kees van Wingerden
- a member of European Standardisation Committee (CEN/TC305/WG3, Devices and systems for explosion prevention and protection),
- an expert on the causes of dust and gases explosions (Piper Alpha, TWA-800),
- a manager handling European researches on dust and gas explosion safety (including DISCOE, MERGE, CREDIT),
- the author/co-author of numerous publications on explosion safety (including „Guidelines for Evaluating the Characteristics of Vapor Cloud Explosions, Flash Fires, and BLEVEs”, Gas Explosion Handbook, „Simulation of dust explosions in spray dryers”).
Andrzej Wolff
- dissertation at University of Warsaw,
- academic performance award in USA, Canada, and Germany,
- scholarship recipient of The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation,
- expert in explosion and process safety,
- numerous industrial implementations in the field of explosion safety,
- trainings in explosion and process safety,
- implementation of many projects on risk analysis assessment and Explosion Protection Document.
Maik Pohl
- an expert in detection and extinction of sparks in industrial systems,
- a sales manager for spark detection and extinction systems at GreCon,
- implementation of numerous projects on eliminating ignition sources on industrial installations,
- trainings and participation in the significant number of conferences on fire safety techniques.
Zbigniew Wolff
- a practitioner with a long work experience in the protection installations and industrial plants against the effects of an uncontrolled explosion,
- an auditor of installations and explosion-vulnerable industrial plants ,
- an expert in the protection of process plants against undesired outcomes if electrostatic discharges,
- the author of publications on risks of electrostatic discharges in explosion hazard areas,
- a member of Association of Intercontinental Experts for Industrial Explosion Protection, HAZEX e.V.
Richard Siwek
- an expert on testing and ATEX certification (94/9/EG directive),
- an associate at FSA GmbH in the field of research on the application of safety and industrial medicine systems,
- a member of numerous European Standardisation Committees (TC305) i VDI organization,
- an expert in counteracting and protection against fire and explosion hazard,
- an advisor at numerous international researches on risk assessment,
- the author of more than 130 publications.
Stefan Penno
- a member of NFPA 68 (National Fire Protection Association) as well as many European and international committees and work groups on explosion safety,
- the president of Association of Intercontinental Experts for Industrial Explosion Protection, HAZEX e.V.,
- the author of many patented technical solutions on explosion protection systems,
- conducted training courses on explosion safety in over 70 countries.
Rudi Post
- a member of European Committee for Standardization (CEN),
- a member of working group working on CEN/TC 305 (Potentially explosive atmospheres—Explosion prevention and protection),
- an expert in protecting silos against explosion effects (he gained and broadened his knowledge in this scope by working at a power station),
- a researcher on “recognising the risks occurring during the work with explosive dusts”.